
Nā Mana Wai—Telling Our Own Stories

Nā Mana Wai is our online and email publication. We publish prose, poetry, photo essays, interviews, videos, audio recordings, illustrations, and other media we haven’t mentioned or perhaps yet imagined. Nā Mana Wai—our many sources of wealth—honors the diversity of this paeʻāina. Our stories enrich each others lives, challenge our perspectives, and deepen our connections to one another.

In this space, we seek to honor the abundant humanities community here in Hawaiʻi, which we can often find in unexpected places. How do we respond to the questions and stories that most challenge us? How do we reach across difference and construct tangible connection that helps build a more inclusive, more resilient community? Telling and sharing our own stories—listening to stories that are not our own—working to be in real conversation with our own communities and others offers a beginning. E komo mai . . .